Thursday, September 6, 2007

On the High

One drink two drinks three,four,,there is just no stopping it,is there
Let me list to a very obvious state of mind we call "unstable" or "stoned".Yes people i am talking about the state of mind after getting drunk. I ensure u that i am perfectly sober while writing this piece of junk i think.... :D

I believe and most of the people here will approve that "On the High" state of mind is quite simply remarkable...its a complete another world all together...It makes u feel so light, so refreshed that u almost forget all the worries that are bothering u....obviously i am not saying that u should drink when u r depressed coz thats bullshit...u should drink to get refreshed...!!! Anyways thats not the point of the discussion here...the state of mind i am talking about can vary from person to person and from the amount u drink...such situations can be hilarious,unstable,depressing or sometimes quite latent in its nature...

There are Three states a Drunk or a person who had peg or two more than wat is advisable can be in...
  1. Perfectly stable and not at all extravagant enjoying every minute
  2. Highly aggressive wanting some more drink saying stupid/private things along the way
  3. Too unstable to talk or walk(ends up puking)
The miraculous thing is a person can change from one state to the other in matter of minutes....
and trust me u dont want to end up in the third of the three states....
the 1st two states are very enjoyable and makes to u wonder at the magic of alcohol and admire the fluids drunk....on the other hand if you end up in the third state,u r regretful and curse the same fluid....U hardly understand what is going on and u are unable to distinguish between ur right hand and the left. U wish u dint have that last sip which made the world spin around u :D

I personally enjoy the 1st state of mind. As much a non drinker loaths a drink, a social drinker best understands the state of mind i am elaborating over here...The pleasure is divine and regal when u have the company of the friends to match...The parties never end and the alcohol never stops...for the people who want to ease there pain,relax and have some fun....!!!
Dancing like crazy, gossiping revealing several secrets among themselves as well as of others, laughing for no particular reason are some other syndromes of being "On the High". Some say its avoidable, some say its the best,life has to offer...

God Bless Alcohol......!!! ;)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

fucking professor....

U often find people who think they are great,have arrogance beyond any limit,bad attitude,no gratitude....but wen i talk about this person all the above words seem so meek for him...this bastard needs a sound thrashing from all the students from his own college and from the other colls this crazy guy goes as an external during subject and project vivas.....
Ok now to breif u about this guy....he is an IITian with very high qualifications...this being his only plus point....This bugger fucks up each and everyone equally during vivas,he thinks the people sittin for vivas are just bunch of loosers who have nothn better to do other than listen to his taunts and pathetic jokes and some time physical remarks....mind u this fucker has made people cry...!!!
he asks nothn related to our subjects and regarded by his juniors and our internals has a crazy dog left free without a leash...

Orders people to come at 8 am sharp.....bastard shows up at 4 pm sharp...and has no sympathy for all the poor souls who wasted their precious time...
Screws up every1 bad,makes physical remarks like "who is fatter of u two","u dont know anything","dont say crap or else i will get up and slap u","u r not worth comin to coll"....

i being unfortunate enough wid some others to get him as our external for project as well...dint acknowlegde any of our work,insulted/degraded us and says "u r project isnt worth callin a BE project" laughs repeat...(laughs again) yeah repeat the project....the #@#%!( thinks he is funny...
no matter how good ur work is he laughs(as though he expects a nobel prize winning prjt)....
fucks up people who worked so very hard for their projects and make their work look like a piece of shit,the internals laugh helplessly at us knowin their is no stoppin this madman...ohhhh i forgot to mention how he flirts wid the lady proffs of our college(in the middle of our so called presentaion) and my good friend jus tryin hard to keep our temper in check....makes cross marks on other people's faces...taunting them to a limit which shud not be crossed....

Sir no matter how good u r...we all hate u...hoping that u die a painful death....
thanks for everything....!!!